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Check and learn from my SEO Case studies and Audits below!

  • Why blogs are important for your website

    Why blogs are important for your website

    In this case study we look at why blogs are important for your website. You could be thinking that having a website is enough, especially if your SEO specialist is impressing you with lots of backlinks. But does the backlinks really help? Truth is, backlinks help but it’s effect is negligible without content and a…

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  • Simple Reason You’re Not Getting More Traffic To Your Website

    Simple Reason You’re Not Getting More Traffic To Your Website

    We’ve all been there. You’ve got a shiny new website, and you’re excited to fill it with amazing content. You’re writing blog posts, maybe even doing a bit of social media, but the traffic just isn’t coming. What gives?

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  • “Do I need a sitemap?” Yes don’t skip it.

    “Do I need a sitemap?” Yes don’t skip it.

    Have you recently created a website and has set it live? Did you know that you need to create a sitemap and put it on Google Search to make it visible for Google searchers?

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  • Programmatic SEO Case Study: An Example of How to Dominate Your Niche’s Keywords

    Programmatic SEO Case Study: An Example of How to Dominate Your Niche’s Keywords

    Programmatic SEO and UGC can yield tremendous benefits for brands seeking to optimize a business’s online presence. Both strategies rely heavily on high-quality content and engaging visuals. I was wrapped in a project that used them in tandem and it was majestic! IT DEFINITELY created momentum and keyword domination and simultaenously developed a more intricate…

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